Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Neelam College of Engineering & Technology, Agra—a center of innovation and excellence in electrical systems and technology. Our department is dedicated to providing a comprehensive education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing students for a dynamic and rapidly advancing field. With a commitment to academic excellence, our programs are designed to instill a deep understanding of electrical engineering principles, preparing graduates for successful careers in various industries.

The Department of Electrical Engineering is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories that facilitate hands-on learning experiences. Our power systems lab enables students to explore the complexities of electrical distribution and generation, while the electronics lab provides a platform for designing and testing electronic circuits. The control systems lab allows students to delve into the intricacies of automation and control technology, and the electrical machines lab offers practical insights into the operation of motors and generators. Additionally, our department emphasizes the integration of emerging technologies, with a focus on renewable energy systems, smart grids, and automation. The faculty, comprising experienced educators and industry experts, is dedicated to nurturing the skills and creativity necessary for students to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Join us in the Department of Electrical Engineering, where theoretical excellence meets hands-on innovation, preparing students to illuminate the future of electrical engineering.

Our Faculty

1 Mrs. Akanksha Asst. Professor B.Tech., M.Tech 4 years
2 Mr. Krishna Kumar Associate Professor B.Tech., M.Tech 10 years
3 Mr. Devendra Kumar Asst. Professor B.Tech. 2 years
4 Ms. Ayushi Kulshrestha Asst. Professor B.Tech 2 years
5 Mr. Anoop Asst. Professor B.Tech 2 years